
not a baby anymore....

So, I had another sick baby this weekend. Catelyn started running fever and had a sore throat. She does not like to be sick or slow down any! She kept saying "Momma, i don't have fever I am just hot!!" LOL! She is feeling much better tonight! This morning she was still not feeling herself , I stayed at home with her and Michael took Anna and Preston to church. Here they are before they left......

Preston would not look at the camera!!

Savannah is no longer a baby!! :( She lost her very first tooth tonight!! It really made me sad! I still look at her as my "baby" I think because we thought we were done having kids after I had her. So, I always thought she would be my last...but then we decided we wanted to try for a boy. She was soooo excited to go to bed tonight!! The tooth fairy has already visited her and left her 4 whole bucks and some pixie dust in the baggie...lol.

Welp, i better get in bed! I have to work in the morning for the first time in about 3 weeks. I am actually excited...lol!! I have missed my co-workers and it gets me out of the house!


  1. LOVE the pics of Savannah & P in front of the tree!! Super cute pic of the toothless big girl too! Dunno why are kiddos have to grow up sooo fast! Sloooow down!
