
Love You Forever

Today was the fist day that I tried The 30 Day Shred and man did it kick my tush!!! I could barley walk when I was finished!!!

Preston ate yogurt for the first time today and I must say he LOVED it. Here is a video of him eating it. (by the way i was using a regular spoon instead of a baby spoon because I was eating the yogurt and just decided to let him try it)

And....here is a picture of Preston when we ran out of yogurt...lol!!!!

Michael got off work early today so we took the girls to dance. Then we went to Play it Again Sports to buy the girls new bats, gloves, helmets, balls and T stand. Michael's friend let us borrow a pitching machine so we will start practicing with the girls this weekend.

We all read the book I Love You Forever. I have picked out a book for each of my kids that I read to them all the time since they where babies. Catelyn's is Guess How Much I Love You. Savannah's is I Love You Through and Though. Preston's book is Love You Forever. By the time I finished reading this book I was in tears. It just makes me so sad that my kids are getting so big. I know one day I will look at my kids and they will be adults.

I just love this picture. It was bedtime for Preston so the girls wanted to read it to him to help him fall asleep. :)


  1. aww! lol LOVE the video! you can tell he was enjoying it! the no more yogurt pic is HILARIOUSLY sad!!!! :( poor p! feed that baby some more yogurt! love the reading pics too :)

  2. The video didnt work for me! :( I <3 the last pic, too! So precious! And yay for the 30 day shred. Jillian is a beast!
