
Chuck E Chesse AGAIN

So, this week was pretty normal..nothing too exciting happened. Just the same School, dance, homework. Friday the girls had their friend Morgan over to stay the night. They had so much fun! They played games and watched movies and they ate cereal for supper (that is what they wanted so that's what they got..lol)

Saturday we went out to eat with my dad and mom at Ihop (we allow ourselves one cheat meal a week and this was it) it was sooo yummmy!! Then we went to Chuck E Cheese (i feel like we live there now..lol) for Adisyn's 3rd birthday party. Here is the birthday girl...she didn't want her picture taken..lol.

My friend Alicia (Morgan's mom) and her lil boy Zac who is 2 months younger than Preston.

Me and Preston using my peanut shell...that I love!!!!

The kids having fun with Chuck E Cheese.

After the party we went to sign Savannah up for t-ball and Catelyn for machine pitch. I am soo exctied for baseball season. I love going to the games and cheering for my babies. I am such a soccer mom...lol!!! Then I went to a Pampered Chef party at my friend Christy's house. We had so much fun. I bought a few neat things to use in the kitchen.

We have moved Preston from his baby bathtub to his big boy seat. He loves to slpash! Poor boy is surrounded by girl toys...loving the princess wand..lol.

He loves bath time!!

Mommy's lil redneck :) Excuse his drooling all over the shirt..lol.

Just a lil update on our weight loss...Michael has lost 11lbs and I have lost 5lbs.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the pictures!! That hat on P is too cute! LOL!

    CONGRATS on the weight loss! Ya'll are doing a great job!! WTG!!! Keep up the good work!!
