
my blessings

I have so much on my mind. I'm not very good at putting it all into words. I have all these thoughts that I just want to say. God has just blessed me in so many ways.

I don't think I can ever thank God enough for blessing me the way he has. I truly believe that God sent Michael to me. Michael is everything that my parents prayed for in a husband. He is such a great daddy and husband. He loves us all with his whole heart. He is a hard worker and puts his family first. He is a great role model and a great Christian man and I'm proud that my kids have him to look up too. I also thank his mom for raising such a great man!!

We have three wonderful, healthy, beautiful kids. I pray over them everyday. I pray that God will keep them safe. I pray that God has a good christian man/woman picked out for each of my kids. I pray that they will grow up to be good ,hardworking, well rounded Christians. I pray they each have goals in life and that they achieve all that their hearts desire. I pray that they go to college and become successful in whatever they want. I pray they will become great parents one day.

I thank God for such a wonderful family. They have always been there for me and always will. My parents made sure to teach me the importance of having good morals and standing up for what you believe in. I would not be the woman I am today without each and every one of my parents (God blessed me with more than one set of parents..lol) They always put me and my siblings first. I have 2 sweet amazing brothers. I have enjoyed getting the chance to watch them grow up. I know they are going to be great men one day! I am also lucky to have a terrific sister who I would be lost without! I have 2 nieces and 4 nephews and one more niece/nephew on the way.

I thank God for awesome friends. They are always here for me no matter what. I know that God placed each and every one of my friends in my life for a reason. They all bring something different to our friendship. They all are the BEST!!

I pray each and every day for patience. I ask God to help me be a better mother, wife, sister, and friend. I pray that He gives me the guidance I need to live a better Christian life.


  1. You are a wonderful BFF, wife, & mom!!!

  2. Great post! I couldnt of wrote it better myself! I too pray for all those things and feel very blessed to have a wonderful husband, healthy child, and great family/friends! Love ya FRIEND!!!

  3. This was the most wonderful post I have ever read!!! I also thank God every day for my wonderful family and awesome kids and grandkids.
    I thank God for bringing you and my son together, I also could not ask for a more wonderful daughter-in-law. You have been the best thing that has ever happen to my son. You and Michael have the most beautiful family, and I Love you and respect you for all you do for them>

  4. Thank you Elizabeth and Val!! Kathy- That was the sweetest comment!! I love you like a mom!! You have always been here for us! We love you very much!!!
